Our School221 Second Ave East | Cresco, IA 52136About Ushttps://sites.google.com/nd.pvt.k12.ia.us/ndschool/home?authuser=0_blank
Our ParishWe recognize our unity of faith and love and accept our common responsibility for our mission in Christ to work for the good of the whole community.Learn more/who-we-are_self
Find us on YouTubeCheck out the Notre Dame Parish YouTube channel for live-streamed daily and weekend Masses and educational videos.Click Herehttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOyMKwtRGYEb6Hf78UA441w_blank
Totus Tuus will be from July 27th - August 1st at Notre Dame! This is our annual Catholic summer program for first-twelfth grade students. It is led by college-aged missionaries.
All 1-5 year olds and their families are invited to join this wiggle-friendly faith formation session on "Jesus loves us!". The lesson will be from 4:30-4:45 p.m. in the church and followed by milk and cookies in the hall. Get to know your Church, your parish, and your faith better, one wee step at a time!
Join us for a discussion on the latest Into the Deep video, 'Why Should I Care About the Refugees and Immigrants?', from 7-8 p.m. by the tabernacle on February 16th.