We follow the Envision Math curriculum in first grade. The curriculum is divided into 16 topics. Each topic takes about two weeks to complete. Skills continue to build on each other. Click on the enVison picture above to visit their site. Your student can log in and play some games on the site.
Students are improving on their basic math facts. Keep practicing at home, in the car, in line at a store, anywhere you are, you can quiz your student on basic facts.
As you review the math work your student brings home, ask them to tell you what strategy they used to solve the problems. They are really learning to use a variety of strategies and some have a favorite that works for them. It is good for them to talk through the work they complete.
We are all Superkids in 1B! We are continuing to use the Superkids curriculum. The students also used this curriculum in kindergarten. Everyone enjoys reading about the adventures of the "Superkids".
As we read we are working on several skills. We work on phonics (figuring out words by knowing letter sounds), fluency (ability to read smooth and with expression), and comprehension (understanding what we are reading). I tell the students that reading is thinking. The author is wanting us to learn something. We need to think as we read to understand what they are telling us about. It is tough at this age to do all three. We will continue to work on all the reading skills throughout the year.
The more you are able to read with your child the stronger of a reader they will become. Sometimes you should read to them and sometimes they should read to you. You can even take turns reading paragraphs or pages. It helps the student to hear you read. As you read talk about what you are reading and what you learned while reading.
Morning Prayer
God, my Father,
I give you today
all that I think
and do and say.
I'll work and study,
have fun and pray.
Jesus be with me
all through the day.
Prayer Before a Meal
Bless us, O Lord,
and these thy gifts
which we are about
to receive
from thy bounty,
through Christ,
our Lord.
Prayer After Meals
We give you thanks
Almighty God,
For all your food and
We ask this
through Christ,
Our Lord.
The Lord's Prayer
Our Father
Who art in Heaven
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done on Earth
As it is in Heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses.
As we forgive those
Who trespass against us
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil;
For Thine is the Kingdom,
And the Power,
And the Glory, forever.